Join the Bootcamp


If you're ready for self-mastery, create a self-regulation recipe that works for you in those emotional moments, or want to implement high value habits that will catapult your career, your relationship, and mostly your self-confidence, then I'm ready to coach you along the journey.  

You don't need any added stress so

you should probably know there's no preparation needed for Top Self coaching.

  1. Schedule your initial Discovery Call to see how I can help.
  2. Decide what program or resource works best for you.
  3. Show up to your sessions ready for change.  That's it!



One-On-One Coaching 

You may prefer a more intimate setting to work through your transformation.  If so, 1:1 Coaching may be just want you neeed.

Group Coaching

Are you looking for community and a place to share experiences and learn from others challenges?  Group coaching may be perfect for you.

Join the Bootcamp today!

This 6-week, virtual group program will blow your mind and transform it at the same time.  You'll uncover the underlying factors that affect your ability to trust and develop skills to meet your own needs versus seeking constant reassurance from your partner.

Learn more

FREE Resource

Sign up to get The 5 Must-Haves to Overcome Jealousy

By signing to receive this free resource you agree to be placed on our weekly mailing list. Don't worry, we wont spam.

Book Your FREE Call Today

The amazing thing about coaching is yes, we'll tackle whatever goal you have in mind.  A boost in career confidence, relieving the constant worrying about your partner, or maybe you want the life you know you were meant to have. Coaching can help in ALL aspects of your life.

I'm miserable. Book Now


"I thought I was the only one who experiences extreme jealousy. I was so ashamed of it. It is something I've struggled with for almost 20 years! This course and podcast really opened my eyes to jealous behaviors I didn't even know I was doing. 

Taking this course and beginning to implement some goals while being aware of my habit cycle was a turning point in my life. Thank you for not only opening my eyes but also my mind and heart and truly making me feel like I wasn't alone."


"I reached out to Shannen because I was at my wits end. I was blocked by feelings of jealousy & insecurity that I could not manage on my own. Shannen is the perfect balance between a friend who has been there and the person you need to challenge your thoughts.

I loved having concrete exercises and tools to use.  She helped me get to the root of my emotions and the things that spark the negative ones.  I've learned to manage my automatic responses and communicate more effectively with my partner."


"I can't begin to describe how much this program has helped me. I had become consumed by jealousy and tried everything to conquer it. One day I stumbled across the Top Self podcast. As I listened I couldn't believe there was someone out there who had felt, did and said many of the things I've done in the name of jealousy. 

Finally, real progress began to take place. Meeting & talking with other women with similar issues was incredible. This is a journey, not a sprint, but I'm moving toward my destination."